A. Fuller: Harriet Tubman

Harriet Tubman got to be well known as a “conductor” on the Underground Railroad amid the turbulent 1850s. Conceived a slave on Maryland’s eastern shore, she persevered through the cruel presence of a field hand, including fierce beatings.

In 1849 she fled bondage, abandoning her spouse and family behind keeping in mind the end goal to get away. Regardless of an abundance on her head, she came back toward the South no less than 19 times to lead her family and several different slaves to freedom by means of the Underground Railroad. She freed up too 300 slaves. Tubman additionally served as a scout, spy and medical caretaker amid the Civil War.

Bold wasn’t the word to use for Harriet, she was unstoppable, she was fearless. There was two things she lived by two things in life and that was her pistol by her said and her faith in the good lord. She would not dither to utilize the gun in self-defense, however it was likewise a way to train slaves, making it clear that “dead Negroes tell no stories.” Timid slaves appeared to discover bravery in her vicinity; nobody ever sold her out . She certified her confidence in God.

One thought on “A. Fuller: Harriet Tubman

  1. You always hear about Harriet Tubman… I love her story an the women she was.

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